Creative and romantic Valentine’s Day ideas at low cost or for free
As the international day of romance, Valentine’s Day is a florists’ and an online card seller’s favourite day of the year. But, you don’t have to turn to Hallmark or supermarket flowers for a cheap Valentine’s date - get creative instead.
Who inspired Valentine’s Day in the first place, and why? It’s believed there are a couple of St. Valentines that could have inspired Valentine’s Day. One contender defied Emperor Claudius’ ban on marriages and married couples in the name of love anyway - and was sentenced to death for it!
In that light, proposing on Valentine’s Day does seem pretty badass - and maybe a cliche we can appreciate more? But, you don’t have to take such mortal risks to pop the question or actually get married on this international day of romance. Even if humanist weddings aren’t legally binding either (yet), you can have a humanist celebrant create a non-religious ceremony that is 100% personalised and inclusive, as a separate celebration to getting the legal license.
If you are not quite at the point of proposing, you can still boss Valentine’s Day with a significant gift or act of love.
You don’t have to break the bank either to show your partner how much they mean to you - and it can be much more personal and meaningful than a bunch of Tesco’s low quality roses.
Here are some imaginative ideas for romancing your lover on a budget:
Variations on the world love
This is the title of Margaret Atwood’s poem that goes like this…
“This is a word we use to plug
holes with. It’s the right size for those warm
blanks in speech, for those red heart-
shaped vacancies on the page that look nothing
like real hearts. Add lace
and you can sell
Saying I love you with words is the classic way to charm your beau, and words do come for free. If you fancy yourself a wordsmith, why not have a go at penning a poem for your lover?
Love is one of the most popular poetry topics, because a poem can help express the fantastic complexity of love. Whether it’s comparing them to a summer’s day or listing out all their amazing qualities in metaphors, turning to poetry to help express your love is human nature.
As Plato said: “At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet.”
That said, writing a good love poem for the first time - one that doesn’t feel clichéd or soppy - can be a real challenge. So, don’t feel shy about leaning on the classics, or maybe more modern takes on love in short form. There are plenty of options available online for free, so you can show your partner the power of the written word without spending a penny. From Shakespeare to Rupi Kaur, there's something for everyone, so take the time to find the perfect poem to share with your Juliet, or Romeo.
Food to get you in the mood
Whether the way to a man’s (or any person’s!) heart is through the stomach is true or not, a lovely meal is always a winner. Especially when shared.
You don't have to splurge on an expensive dinner out, though. Why not try making a romantic dinner for two at home? For added bonus, include some aphrodisiacs to the menu to get you in the mood for love. Adding certain spices, such as chilli, cinnamon and basil, or fresh food like sexy looking figs and avocados, is supposed to boost the love hormones. Pair it with an aphrodisiac drink and you can’t go wrong. Champagne should do the trick.
If you’re not exactly a Nigella or Bourdain, go for chocolate. Who doesn’t like chocolate? Just imagine what you can do with it when it melts…
Music to show how deep is your love
When words or actions just won’t cut it, cue music… Music, with or without lyrics, have always been an extra-dimensional way to express your feelings. You might find the lyrics to a song fits exactly what you’d want to say, or maybe it’s the tune that sounds just the way you feel. Some times it’s that je ne sais quoi of the overall vibe of a song or piece of music that vibrates like your heart.
So, why not make a playlist (or good old mixtape) of your partner's favourite love songs or songs that have special meaning for the two of you? You could also make a list of your favourite romantic films and their soundtracks. If you are not sure, why not check out this list of some of the best loved love songs.
If you're feeling particularly creative, you could even try composing a song dedicated to your partner - it doesn't have to be perfect, but it will be something that they can cherish forever!
Bonus Valentine’s version
With a little more effort, rather than cash, you could even double the romantic effect by planning a special activity with your gift. Take your lover on a walk somewhere pretty for a picnic with your prepared spread, read them your poem on the beach with the waves as a soundtrack or serenade them under the stars. Any of those places would be the perfect place to put a ring on it too. Just saying.
Just make them feel special
A bit much? Don’t worry, just make sure you are there for your love, and consider what makes them feel special. Your full presence is usually the best present. Like when my friend’s skint boyfriend turned up to her flat completely wrapped in toilet roll and presented himself as her present…
No matter what you decide, you can make Valentine's Day special without spending a ton of money (save for a ring instead!). With a bit of ingenuity, you can show your partner exactly how much they mean to you without blowing your budget.